Deep within there a feeling of longing. When can I see my father again? After how so many years could I hear his comforting voice. At whilst can I see someone I ache to be with. Someone who has just passed on my world and I don't know if he will be back again. I miss old friendship that was taken from me. I even missed enemies who shut disdainful words at me that hurt my character.
I just don't know what's with me today. I just pray that this will pull back from my system. The feeling is too burdensome to bear. Could it be that something deep within me is perturbing? But I never know what is it. I cannot point really where this began. Well, it still early to say that this will stay on me for the whole day. God is faithful and I trust in Him yesterday, today and tomorrow.

1 comment:
Gang, let it go! If something is bothering talk to the person concern or if u feel like doing something then do it If you miss someone who's far, you can call :-)
Have faith in HIm.
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