So I browse that site to check what she was saying all about. Oh , I see. It's a Free online dating site with Free online chat for everybody who will join. This site looks great and a perfect matchmaker I think so. A lot of great stuff in store for everyone there like free-realtime chat messenger where you can have a private moments with your online lover. Great site to find the match of your heart. You can also upload free multi-media messages, video and voice.
I took a tour at the pages and what amazed me was the testimonials of the couples who found true love by that dating site. Great to read them really. It is so nice to know that online dating brings lots of lost souls into one. Could be that Guy whom cousin-bear met online be her Adam? I am just excited. Anyway, according to her the guy is now on Australia but he is a Filipino too. Isn't that great? I just wish their relationship blossoms and flourish into a great togetherness. This is a perfect timing too as our Aunt in Australia wants her to go to Australia. Could this be her ticket then? he he. I just wish them all the luck. Nothing really is impossible with the net today. People gets connected from pole to pole.

he could be the one. best of luck to ur cousin.
anyway, sure, we can xlinks. let me know if u've already added me and will do the same.
enjoy the week ahead. :)
hello there. thanks for dropping by my page. your blog's URL on my blogroll's already changed as you wished! hehe.
anyway, it's true. true love can be found anywhere. but one should be careful when it comes to online dating. you'll never know who that person is behind the internet.
i met my boyfriend over the net, too. but not on an online dating site nor a chatroom. loong story.
anyway, we did not rush in to love or being in a relationship. we took time to really know each other. it even took me a year and a half to finally decide to fly here to sweden and be with him.
annyway, what i am talking about is that even if true love can be also found over the net, never rush into getting into any relaitonship just because of some selfish reasons. there are nice and true people online but they are hard to find.
hope your cousin's happy and that she has already found the man she's been dreaming of.
have a great day friend! mwah
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