Hi! Guess what, while browsing online for some Halloween costume for my Alikah for the next Halloween, I saw this online shop and I instantly fell in love with their fairy tale costumes, particularly the Lilac Princess. My Ali is gonna wear that, I will make sure of that. Gee, don't laugh at me, I really always plan ahead of the occasions. The reason is , I would still save money to buy it from my meager earnings. He he.
I really love the site 102%. =) I mean, why can't I be? They have the most fabulous costumes ever. You see, I have the child part in me that never outgrows. I still love fairy tales, and cute child stuffs. Though this site does not pay me for this, I highly recommend it for you to try. I already made my listings and calculating things to fit my budget. Good thing their prices are just right.
And to top it all, next Halloween I will be wearing my own costume too. What would that be I'm still thinking about it as there are great varieties to choose on. Hmm, I am thinking ghost Halloween costumes or some sexy vampire costume since I am inspired by Edward Cullen and I wanne be his Bella. Ha ha.. What do you think? Help me please, while browsing for your own.. mhuahh!!
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