001. Real Name: Shelomi Rivera
002. Nickname(s): Shelo, sel, mie
003. Age: 30 (shet, secret sana, but cge nalang.. LOL)
004. Horoscope: Virgo
005. Male or Female: babae po, di ako bakla..
006. Elementary: Stella Maris College
007. Middle School: (dritso po highschool here)
008. High School: Aloran Trade High School
009. College School: University of the Philippines (Cebu Campus)
010. Hair color: Black as the night..
011. Long or Short: shortie
012. Loud or Quiet: Loud most of the time. They said I am not shelo if I am quite.. Ha ha
013. Sweats or Jeans: Jeans , always.
014. Phone or Camera: Phone.. Camera cannot receive text from my crush,, LOL..
015. Health Freak: Oh I should be , but I'm not.
016. Drink or Smoke: I don't drink and I don't smoke also. Clean living!
017. Do you have a crush on someone: sort of , but it's more like of a pangarap .. he he
018. Eat or Drink: we do both. Hello???
019. Piercings: ear pierce..
020. Tattoos: never in my lifetime.
021. Social or Anti-Social: man is a social animal and can't live being alone in his existence.
022. Righty or lefty: Righty
023. First piercing: Ears , when I was a baby.
024. First relationship: when I was 14 years old with Blair.
025. First Best Friend: Jesse Boy, he died already.
026. First Award: Kinder: Valedictorian.
027. First Kiss: Blair..
028. First Pet: Mawmaw: a cat
029. First Big Vacation: at our granny's house when I was a kid where we stayed for a month there with my cousins.
030. First Love at first sight: Actually , I dont believe in LAFS. , maybe it's what we call intense admiration. well, I have it with my husband. Kasi of all my past bfs , he was the only one whom I got attracted so immensely at my first glance of him. Nye he he.
031. First Big Birthday: my first bday, I guess. don't really remember.
032. First Surgery: when I gave birth to my frist child.
033. First sport you joined: Badminton
This or That
034. Orange or Apple juice: Orange Juice
035. Rock or Rap: i like Rap better
036. Country or Screamo: Oh Country is one of my fave music genre.
037. NSYNC or Backstreet boys: I like both their songs and beats.
038. Britney spears or Christina Aguilera: none.
039. Night or Day: Night as I dream during the night.
040. Sun or Moon: Both… both as sun give light during the day and moon lights our way during the night.
041. TV or Internet: Grabe , internet !!!
042. Playstation or xbox: Play station
043. Kiss or hug: Both. Hugging gives me warm comfort.
044. Iguana or turtle: neither..
045. Spider or bee: bee, as it is always busy.. Sounds like me..
046. Fall or spring: Spring is a sign of life.
047. Limewire or iTunes: duh.. don't use both.
048. Soccer or baseball: Baseball..
049. Eating: Banana Chips
050. Drinking: Iced Tea
051. Excitement level: normal.. I'm tired.
052. I’m about to: check my emails
053. Listening to: the buzz of the aircon.
054. Plan for today: take my daughter to the mall after the egg hunt here at the office.
055. Waiting for: him to send a note.
056. Energy Level: not excited over anything.
057. Thinking of someone: 105% as always. Is he thinking about me too?
058. Want kids?: have them already.
059. Want to get married?: already married.
060. When?: Last 2003.
061. How many kids do you want: 4
062. Any name on the mind: LJ
063. What did you want to be when you were little: a Lawyer.
064. Careers in mind: duh..
065. Mellow future or wild: Mellow
066. Something you would never try: bungee jumping.. haha and eating live worms
067. When do you want to die: shut up!!
068. Lips or Eyes: eyes as it mirrors ones soul.
069. Romantic or Funny?: both
070. Shorter or Taller?: Taller.
071. Protective or Caring?: Both
072. Romantic or Spontaneous?: Romantic
073. Nice Stomach or Nice Arms?: as long as it looks alright.
074. Sensitive or Loud?: Sensitive
075. Hook-up or Relationship?: Relationship
076. Trouble Maker or Hesitant?: grrr
077. Muscular or normal: normal.. hates those showing muscles
078. Kissed a stranger: no!
079. Broken a bone: yeah
080. Lost glasses or contacts: nope
081. Ran away from home: not a bit.
082. Held a gun/knife for self defense: yes before
83. Killed somebody: in my mind. ahaha
084. Broken some one’s heart: God, I'm sorry for what I have done in the past.
085. Had your heart broken: still breaking.
086. Been arrested: by him and jailed in his heart.
087. Cried when someone died: naman
088. Liked a friend more than a friend: grabe oh yes!!!
Do you believe in
089. Yourself: yes, but myself is not a good thing to believe.
090. Miracles: There can be miracles if you believe. Yes I do.
091. Love at first sight: ahh no.
092. Heaven: Heaven is by His side.
093. Santa Claus: no.
094. Tooth Fairy: no.
095. Kiss in the first date: yes. haha
096. Angels: absolutely.
Answer Truthfully
097. Is there 1 person you want to be with right now?: yes there is.
098. Are you seriously happy with where you’re in life now?: Happy but incomplete.
099. Do you believe in God?: My life and my everything.
100. Post as 100 truths and tag 10 people.
Tagging: Phebie, Bogie, Carlota, Laine, Femikey, Rose, Rosa, Anne, Tammy, Budiawan

1 comment:
shel thanks for the tag. naka post na sab ko ani nga tag kaganiha lang gyud. nalingaw ko answer. hehehe. naa sab di ay ko award sa imo :)
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