Doing my usual blog- hopping routine tonight, and logging in to some of the sites where I am an affiliate, I log in to my account in Entrecard and checked my message box. Wow, I got a mail. And it is from a fellow blogger. The message is this:
“Hello fellow blogger, I stopped by your site and thought maybe you would like to swap links with me, after adding http://voiceofbragg.com with the title "Blog Till Death" to your site, message me and I will add yours...have a great day”
Oh, Interesting blog title. What I did was checked the link right away. I was directed to this cool black and green skinned blog. Alright, this blog picked my interest. I usually open other sites but it just make me stay for a few minute then leave. But this one, oh well, I hit the pages. Good navigation, no problem at all. I went in page after page. Really amazing, I found out that VOICE OF BRAG DOT COM is really a popular blog. Imagine that blog generates over 20,000 page views per month from over 6,000 unique visitors. Fantastic!! Not only that, I really admire the owner of that blog as that site offers a lot of handy blogging tools and blogging tips.
Hmm, inspiration!! Yeah, that blog will be my inspiration. I wish to make my own such as that. I have to add it on my everyday visited links. Of course I will add it. This is a chance for me to get linked with a blog that Ranks: 145,375 in Technorati! Superb!!!
P.s. Hey that blog is offering some sort of a contest. It’s cool I promise. You got to check on it Here ... and oopss before I forget, I give that blog an Awesome 10!!!

1 comment:
I too checked it. Thanks for sharing.
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