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Friday, January 24, 2014

Ruffles and Sass Boutique

Ruffles and Sass Boutique

Hello readers! If you can browse down my blog , you will see that I have posted about a little darling's page : Praying for Aively Faith that I have been following and praying since I laid eyes on her.  Please be in prayer with me about her mom's new page/business. It's called Ruffles and Sass boutique! Her mom's goal is to provide cute and adorable clothing at VERY reasonable prices so that she can continue to stay home with her babies and keep Aivley healthy and away from as many germs as possible!! She prays that it only works if it's God's will for her family. If not she will not get discouraged as she knows He will open another door. Hope we could support and like her page. 

Please go like Aively's mom's page!! She has posted several cute outfits which she plans to dress Aivley up in them, of course!!  So if you want your little princesses to sassy with ribbons, laces and ruffles, her online business is perfect for your little ones. Aively is so cute in her ruffles, such a sassy princess. Please like her page here : 

Look at how cutie this precious one : Praying for Aively Faith 

Continue to Pray for this Sassy Princess :-) 

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