It's been a while and have not updated my blog. I miss blogging. I miss letting myself be heard. What can I do? My work is usurping my time leaving me no room to blog. =(
It's 2011 already. Time flies so fast. One of my New year's resolution is to give time to blogging once in a while. There's not so much to tell about me, except that my baby Lishan has turned 1 year old last December and that she can walk, utter some words like: Daddie, Mama, Bebay (her ate), Neneng (her yaya). She can recognize our neighbors and calls them by their names. I really thank the Lord for such great blessing. Moreso, we've noticed her sing a few lines of Justin Bieber's
"baby, baby, baby, Oh..
Like Baby , baby, baby, no.."
What can I say more, but Praise the Lord!
I hope to be updating more here. Be visiting your blogs too soon!!!